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English >> General discussion

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10414)

ua mitza99 >> saturday december 14 - 12:20

This is frustration topic so i think he can be frustrated in peace. 

ua mitza99
hr Kupus >> saturday december 14 - 16:01, Edited saturday december 14 - 16:01


So sorry to have hurt your feelings.

I just thought that if you share them so openly in forum that you are also are prepared to get it commented from various perspectives, not only the one you prefer.

In any case, good luck in your coming games.

hr Kupus
Community admin
de Regnum Croatorum
hr Kupus >> saturday december 14 - 16:06


Your logic is a bit frustrating. I choose to use this forum to address my frustration over what people are frustrated about.

Frustrating I know.

And I kindly ask you to let me have my frustration outbursts in peace please.

hr Kupus
Community admin
de Regnum Croatorum
eng Stephen >> saturday december 14 - 17:58

Don’t remember a transfer window as bad as that. It seemed impossible to sell anyone

eng Stephen
Head Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
nl Joddit >> saturday december 14 - 21:18


You haven't hurt my feelings. You've just been dishonest about what I actually complained about. If it where just the once over, it could have been an honest mistake, but you just keep banging on about your own strawman about my frustration, which for me is an indication that it is deliberate. 

It just makes you look a bit silly. (I would have used a different word, but there might be children around.) 

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
hr Kupus >> saturday december 14 - 22:08, Edited sunday december 15 - 00:58


All of this trash talk just because I wrote that I believed you deserved to lose that game and that how you lose then makes less of a difference?

I watched the game you posted as a link and commented it from my perspective, nothing else. Why post the link it if you dont want anyone to watch it?

I do not understand where you find such dishonesty and it being deliberate in the few sentences I wrote you. 

But it seems to have caught major distress at you which was not my intention.

No need for bad words independently if there are children around or not. It is much better to argument once cause.

Again, I wish you good luck in your coming games.

Edit: It is much better to learn to argument your cause - It is much better to argument once cause (which is what I actually meant by it)

hr Kupus
Community admin
de Regnum Croatorum
gp Reinsuma >> saturday december 14 - 23:06
Its a new one to see a Community admin acting like Awful.
gp Reinsuma
ec Rabbit
il Numpty >> saturday december 14 - 23:21, Edited saturday december 14 - 23:24

It's my experience that disagreements like this are soon forgotten by everyone who reads them - except for the participants.

Those involved will not easily forget harsh words from someone else whether intentional or not and so it can easily turn into a long-held grudge. 

I like both you guys and I don't want to see that happen, or for it to escalate any further. So please can I ask that this is brought to an end and attempt to smooth things over usings PMs. 

@Reinsuma. It's generally not a good idea to get involved in someone else's dispute. It just adds fuel to the fire. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> saturday december 14 - 23:40, Edited saturday december 14 - 23:41


" It is much better to learn to argument your cause."

Such arrogance.

"I do not understand where you find such dishonesty and it being deliberate in the few sentences I wrote you."

I have clearly explained my positioning and my reasoning.

 "I watched the game you posted as a link and commented it from my perspective, "

You gave your perspective without actually reading my comment. Or maybe there is something wrong with your reading ability, I can only speculate.

"But it seems to have caught major distress at you which was not my intention."

Initially, there was no distress, only befuddlement. And your half-hearted attempt at an apology was then followed by the arrogance I mentioned before:

 "... It is much better to learn to argument your cause...."

My word! I simply have no words...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
nl Joddit >> saturday december 14 - 23:45, Edited saturday december 14 - 23:45


Don't worry. I'm done. There is no way I can add to this anymore. Probably best if I take a few days away from the forum, because it has become increasingly hard to behave myself during the course of this conversation. Something about respect I suppose...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC
hr Kupus >> sunday december 15 - 00:27


My apologies if I caused you disturbance.

Again, the intentions your read between the lines was not by purpose. If you identified so, I can honestly confirm that you have captured something in phrasing or words that was not intended to nor an attempt to cause any frustration.

hr Kupus
Community admin
de Regnum Croatorum
hr Kupus >> sunday december 15 - 00:35


Can you please explain by what you means you make that comparison?

The sentences to @mitza99 was obviously to point out a bad logic of writing something in a public forum, referring to a case by link and then be expected to be left in peace (word by mitza99). I just wanted to highlight how little sense that makes.

hr Kupus
Community admin
de Regnum Croatorum
eng Stephen >> sunday december 15 - 20:55

A near classic Rocking Soccer result.

eng Stephen
Head Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
ve Salsmore FC >> monday december 16 - 00:47

We almost reached the middle of the centenary, I hope that Salsmore manages to save the category so as not to be in second division when this comes.

ve Salsmore FC