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English >> General discussion

Suggestions for improvement (57)

eng Kezza >> sunday may 26 - 08:49, Edited sunday may 26 - 09:04
To me it seems that the new guys are the ones that see this as a problem.

The truth is even if "Create A Player" was not an option.. people who had been in the game since day 1 would be ahead by now anyway... say a newbie joins in 2 seasons... I can imagine that there would be a complaint the the good teams are too good! I'm afraid thats life.

@topcuoglutaylan By the way.. this has been said a few times.. "Create A Player" is available to EVERYONE. You get credits for voting for Rocking Soccer and for watching Friendlys and away games and 0.5 credits a day.. so every season you will be able to Create A Player.

@denisgrad Getting good players out of "Nowhere".. isnt that what happens when a youth player appears??

@bouke Get to a stage where you can build level 4 stadium and level 5+ youth and you will catch up pretty quickly.. dont forget these players retire at a certain age... so top teams will be caught. ps. as I said above.. players who have been in the game since day 1 would be ahead regardless (same as any other game you would find online). Yeah I do get what you mean with choosing country for your youth.. but people that create players generally do it for their own nationality or one of the major ones.

To be honest I'm not bothered if they take away the "Create A Player" option or not.. but don't see why they should make the game less attractive for VIP's.. who are less likely to fund the game.

Maybe there should be a "Newbie league" where you have 2 seasons to develop your team/learn about the game before your allowed entry into the main part?

Think people need to try the game (for at least a season) first before complaining that its not fair.
eng Kezza
at schorny >> sunday may 26 - 10:47, Edited sunday may 26 - 10:49
@bouke: with high youth center you can also select the country a bit.

and as I said - in 10 seasons this discussion will be irrelevant. until then, created players are very very very strong - but this will fade away and teams that invested in infrastructure instead of players will be the stronger ones.

just like in real football.

this game is new - which means by default it can't be balanced right. because players currently suck. So if you can get a good player - you are ahead. But this will change. A created player is always in the same strength-range. So if I create a 3 stars player, he will lose strength in comparison to other players over time. Because currently you may have 2.1 star players, but next season you will have 2.3 star players, and so on. But the created players get created with the same stars, no matter what. So in 5 seasons when you have 2.7 stars players and I create the 3 stars player - he won't be much better.

so let some teams have fun with pumping credits into players - in the long run the infrastructure investments will win.

and championsleague money is tuned down for the first 15 seasons - because of that.
at schorny
kn Nehemiah >> sunday may 26 - 11:39, Edited sunday may 26 - 11:40
I disagree, the better players you have the better your income and the faster you can advance your infrastructure. Cup advancement, champions league advancement etc are huge contributors of income and the teams which have the best players will advance the fastest with access to the most amount of money. For many seasons beta/season 1 vip managers will be the greatest managers and very very difficult to catch up on.
kn Nehemiah
at schorny >> sunday may 26 - 11:44, Edited sunday may 26 - 11:45
Thats what I said. 10 Seasons. Then the power will shift.

The biggest income point is the league. If you can win your own league, you get lots of money. International Money is not relevant, it's too low to count.

also the cup. the only income from winning matches is the TV revenue. All other sources are currently too low to count.
at schorny
nl Balladeer >> sunday may 26 - 11:48
The extra income from matches played in your stadium from both cup and european matches is considerable...
nl Balladeer
at schorny >> sunday may 26 - 11:52
Not yet. In 2-3 seasons, it will. But currently only a few teams have stadium lvl 3 and before lvl3, income from home matches does not matter.

of course managers that already have stadium 3 will get an advantage - but you can't upgrade scout to level 5 and training complex (which you need if your expensive created players shall get better) and stadium while not converting credits to money.
at schorny
nl Balladeer >> sunday may 26 - 12:39
In the dutch league 1 there are 8 lvl 3 stadiums currently, I believe that is true for most teams playing european leagues.
Also getting the credits necessary for scout 5 players takes quite long now, perhaps so long that the impact of those players are not very large
nl Balladeer
sco Scotland1983 >> sunday may 26 - 16:22
hmm i have a lv 3 stadium too they are not as rare anymore and can be got in a few season if you work hard enough in getting supporters:)
sco Scotland1983
md MegaChampions FC
ca denisgrad >> sunday may 26 - 17:41
@Kezza Youth players don't just appear out of nowhere. They are given trials and then are picked up for the youth team. You can create players with almost any age, which is totally unrealistic and unfair. Yes you are right paying users should get advantages but they shouldn't be awarded with powerplay.

On other hand, I don't see a point of this option anyways. Prices are going to keep increasing. In 2-3 season no one is going to create them however players that created players in season 1 have major advantages.

The right thing to do is to remove this terrible option and remove all the created players too. However, for all the players users will receive a compensation in money. Price will be paid based on those player's market value.
ca denisgrad
eng Kezza >> sunday may 26 - 18:41
@denisgrad The only problem with your solution is that with that money they can buy a player of the same quality.. so that wouldnt make sence.

@denisgrad I would also add it is not a "Terrible option" in everyones eyes.. just mostly with newbies
eng Kezza
ca denisgrad >> sunday may 26 - 19:40
@Kezza no they wont buy the players of the same quality. The transfers for higher class players or young players are most the time much higher than their market value. Also given that all the players will receive compensations, the higher class players will cost even more.

Obviously it doesn't look as a terrible option for everyone. It doesn't look terrible who those who took advantage of it... Sure!
ca denisgrad
ar Gabrielorco >> sunday may 26 - 22:12
Imagine we are in the season 10:
If I have registered in the first season, my best players are going to be the ones that came from my youth center. I won't create new players.
If several people start to play in season 10, it will be impossible for them to reach my level... However, creating players will let them get close faster than if they don't have that option. Furthermore, those people will surely start on a lower league, so they won't compete against me, but between them. A good way to reward a player that spends more time than the others, is with credits. In this way, a player who spends more time in the game can grow faster, without having to wait 10-15 seasons to match the level of someone that started playing before him.
ar Gabrielorco