Timothy Hackley: Matches

Today - 01:18cu Morón2-10cu League of CubaS
sunday may 26 - 19:49cu Dracena Melilla FC0-100cu League of CubaS
friday may 24 - 17:18cu San José de la Lajas #21-33cu League of CubaSGoalGoalGoal
wednesday may 22 - 19:48cu Neptuni pediludium0-130cu League of CubaS
tuesday may 21 - 12:24lt Lithuania2-03InterlandS
monday may 20 - 06:30cu Nuevitas0-43cu League of CubaSGoalGoalGoal
sunday may 19 - 15:38cu Havana #203-10cu CupSGoal
saturday may 18 - 19:36cu Cuban Rum0-110cu League of CubaS
friday may 17 - 11:24cu La Revolucion11-10cu League of CubaSGoal
thursday may 16 - 19:43cu Team Melilla2-120cu League of CubaSGoal
tuesday may 14 - 22:27cu Puerto Padre0-13cu League of CubaS
monday may 13 - 12:41kr Korea Republic0-10InterlandRF
sunday may 12 - 19:31cu Santa Clara3-23cu League of CubaSGoalGoal
saturday may 11 - 12:47cu Santa Cruz del Sur0-23cu CupSGoal
friday may 10 - 07:42co Colombia1-00InterlandS
thursday may 9 - 09:39cu Cienfuegos #50-43cu League of CubaSGoalGoalGoalGoal
thursday may 2 - 23:00sn Saint_Grall 897-13FriendlySF
tuesday april 30 - 11:38nc FC Canala8-03FriendlyRFGoalGoal
tuesday april 30 - 09:00ro Drumul Tavernei6-03FriendlyRFGoalGoalGoal
monday april 29 - 10:00hu Roda FC0-53FriendlyRF
friday april 19 - 04:21cu Cuba0-30 WC Qualifications (North America) Round 1S
wednesday april 3 - 06:39ni Nicaragua1-00 WC Qualifications (North America) Round 1S
friday march 22 - 18:48cu Cuba3-00 WC Qualifications (North America) Round 1S
tuesday march 19 - 04:16ni Nicaragua3-31 WC Qualifications (North America) Round 1SGoalGoalGoal