Léon Becdelièvre: Matches

Yesterday - 10:15at FC Voi Gas United6-03at League of AustriaRM
wednesday may 22 - 10:33at Simmeringer SC3-31at League of AustriaSM
monday may 20 - 20:39at FC Liberty3-20at League of AustriaSM
sunday may 19 - 12:22at FC Liberty5-30at CupRM
sunday may 19 - 01:33at Xiong Qi0-30at League of AustriaRM
saturday may 18 - 11:19at FC Barcelona3-00at League of AustriaSM
friday may 17 - 01:43at Rachel YNWA2-13at League of AustriaSM
thursday may 16 - 08:39at Wiener Philharmoniker2-10at League of AustriaSM
tuesday may 14 - 01:22at Minor Club0-10at League of AustriaRM
sunday may 12 - 01:36at AUT huaian0-01at League of AustriaRM
thursday may 9 - 06:17at FC Voi Gas United0-63at League of AustriaSM