Laye Mbacké: Matches

wednesday november 6 - 16:35ug FC Lugazi #24-41ug League of UgandaSB
monday november 4 - 04:44ug FC Kayunga2-30ug League of UgandaSB
thursday october 31 - 04:15ug FC Kampala #50-10ug League of UgandaLB
wednesday october 30 - 17:39ug FC Luwero3-10ug League of UgandaLB
tuesday october 29 - 04:26ug FC Kampala #172-13ug League of UgandaLB
sunday october 27 - 17:22ug FC Ibanda5-10ug League of UgandaLB
wednesday october 23 - 20:26ug FC Kampala #120-13ug League of UgandaLB
monday october 21 - 04:16ug FC Mpigi2-03ug League of UgandaSB
sunday october 20 - 06:47ug FC Pader1-00ug League of UgandaSB
thursday october 17 - 11:19ug FC Kajansi0-33ug League of UgandaLB
tuesday october 15 - 11:50ug FC Moyo0-13ug League of UgandaLB