Fela Ekwensi: Matches

Today - 06:33gh Aflao #22-33gh League of Ghana [2]RM
Yesterday - 16:26gh Bolgatanga6-53gh League of Ghana [2]DMYellow card
saturday september 21 - 16:28gh Obuasi1-30gh League of Ghana [2]RM
friday september 20 - 04:42gh Teshie #24-30gh League of Ghana [2]RM
thursday september 19 - 16:47gh Kumasi #23-13gh League of Ghana [2]RM
wednesday september 18 - 09:23gh Accra #21-11gh League of Ghana [2]RM
tuesday september 17 - 16:28gh Tamale #43-03gh League of Ghana [2]RM
monday september 16 - 04:47gh Nkawkaw3-20gh League of Ghana [2]RM
sunday september 15 - 05:20gh Accra #181-11gh League of Ghana [2]RM
saturday september 14 - 16:43gh Nkawkaw #21-40gh League of Ghana [2]DM
friday september 13 - 19:46gh Agogo3-20gh League of Ghana [2]RM
wednesday september 11 - 16:43gh Akwatia0-20gh League of Ghana [2]RM
monday september 9 - 18:18gh Nsawam #22-21gh League of Ghana [2]RM
saturday september 7 - 16:24gh Ashiaman #40-10gh League of Ghana [2]RM
thursday september 5 - 06:38gh Summer1-23gh League of Ghana [2]RM
tuesday september 3 - 16:33gh Aflao #21-11gh League of Ghana [2]RM
sunday september 1 - 11:43gh Bolgatanga3-00gh League of Ghana [2]RM
friday august 30 - 11:39gh Obuasi5-10gh League of Ghana [2]RM
thursday august 29 - 16:26gh Teshie #21-40gh League of Ghana [2]RM
wednesday august 28 - 01:39gh Kumasi #20-13gh League of Ghana [2]RM
monday august 26 - 16:50gh Accra #20-10gh League of Ghana [2]DM
saturday august 24 - 20:50gh Tamale #40-01gh League of Ghana [2]DM
friday august 23 - 23:12gh Akwatia0-30gh CupCM
wednesday august 21 - 16:42gh Nkawkaw0-20gh League of Ghana [2]DM
tuesday august 20 - 16:15gh Heart of Lions FC0-100FriendlyRM