Gonçalo Capela: Matches

Yesterday - 23:17af Afghanistan5-13InterlandSGoal
Yesterday - 02:44nl The Netherlands0-43 WC Qualifications (Europe) Round 1SF
tuesday november 26 - 16:00sn Saint_Grall 894-03FriendlyRFGoal
tuesday november 26 - 12:00ye candyking8-03FriendlyRFGoalGoalGoal
tuesday november 26 - 09:36pt Abreu Loureiro FC0-33FriendlyRFGoal
monday november 25 - 10:37kz Kazakhstan4-03 WC Qualifications (Europe) Round 1RFGoal
monday november 25 - 03:15et Ethiopia0-33InterlandSF
saturday november 23 - 06:30pt Charneca0-13pt League of PortugalRFYellow card
friday november 22 - 09:15pt Sporting Elvas6-03pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoal
thursday november 21 - 16:27pt Gil_Vicente FC1-11pt League of PortugalRF
wednesday november 20 - 09:16pt Vitória Cova do Assobio8-03pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoalGoal
tuesday november 19 - 09:47pt Abreu Loureiro FC2-00pt League of PortugalRF
monday november 18 - 15:32fr Le Feu Occulte0-20 European League QFRF
monday november 18 - 09:47pt S L Giga7-13pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoal
sunday november 17 - 19:27pt zeeGermansAreHere0-53pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoal
saturday november 16 - 09:40pt SC Braga1-03pt League of PortugalRFGoal
saturday november 16 - 07:17fr Le Feu Occulte1-00 European League QFRF
friday november 15 - 16:29pt Caldas FC2-00pt League of PortugalRF
thursday november 14 - 09:34pt Red star7-03pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoalGoalGoal
thursday november 14 - 03:22bg Minyoro0-0(0-1)1 European League R16RF
wednesday november 13 - 21:21by Belarus0-01InterlandS
tuesday november 12 - 15:41bg Minyoro0-01 European League R16RF
tuesday november 12 - 01:16pt Olissipo1-43pt League of PortugalRFGoalGoal
monday november 11 - 09:30pt FCLazuli8-03pt League of PortugalSFGoal
sunday november 10 - 23:12be My sharona1-2*3 European League R32S