Ştefan Zota: Matches

tuesday november 5 - 17:21it Pistoia4-10it League of Italy [4.1]SF
saturday november 2 - 14:48it Biancoscudati7-10it League of Italy [4.1]SF
thursday october 31 - 18:22it AS Milan3-31it League of Italy [4.1]SF
wednesday october 30 - 17:26it Milan #54-23it League of Italy [4.1]SF
sunday october 27 - 17:47it Rome #144-41it League of Italy [4.1]SF
saturday october 19 - 17:17it Giugliano in Campania #30-50it League of Italy [4.1]SF
friday october 18 - 18:20it AC Naples #84-20it League of Italy [4.1]SF