Li-cong Kung: Matches

Today - 04:40cn 陕西长安泾渭联盟2-00FriendlyRM
Yesterday - 04:29cn FC Shenyang #281-03FriendlyRM
tuesday november 26 - 13:15cn My Milan0-103FriendlyRM
monday november 25 - 04:39cn 黑色巨石0-01FriendlyRM
sunday november 24 - 04:42cn 自游自在0-13FriendlyRM
friday november 22 - 04:16cn 上海医科大学3-13cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
thursday november 21 - 05:26cn 嘎哈United FC0-01cn League of China [4.2]RM
wednesday november 20 - 04:21cn 不能说的秘密0-20cn League of China [4.2]RM
tuesday november 19 - 01:32cn FC 东方太阳神0-13cn League of China [4.2]RM
monday november 18 - 04:29cn 凤鸟飞腾2-30cn League of China [4.2]RM
sunday november 17 - 01:37cn Liverpool Evergrande0-33cn League of China [4.2]RM
saturday november 16 - 04:25cn 武汉拜仁1-20cn League of China [4.2]RM
friday november 15 - 04:51cn ShangHai SIPG1-00cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
thursday november 14 - 04:29cn 重庆海狼足球队1-20cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
monday november 11 - 04:18cn 蓝色大猪头1-03cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
sunday november 10 - 04:46cn 猩红十字军2-21cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
saturday november 9 - 13:25cn Den Haag On Tour0-01cn League of China [4.2]RMYellow card
friday november 8 - 04:26cn FC Shenyang #283-13cn League of China [4.2]RM
thursday november 7 - 11:24cn Datong0-13cn League of China [4.2]RM
wednesday november 6 - 13:28cn 上海医科大学2-21cn League of China [4.2]RM
tuesday november 5 - 04:45cn 嘎哈United FC0-01cn League of China [4.2]RM
monday november 4 - 09:45cn 不能说的秘密4-00cn League of China [4.2]RM
saturday november 2 - 04:15cn FC 东方太阳神1-11cn League of China [4.2]RM
thursday october 31 - 13:20cn 凤鸟飞腾0-13cn League of China [4.2]RM
tuesday october 29 - 04:34cn Liverpool Evergrande5-13cn League of China [4.2]SM