Johannes Thaysen: Matches

Today - 09:50au North Melbourne2-10au Playoffs R2 [1/2]LF
tuesday november 26 - 05:22au forbes dragons0-63au Playoffs R1 [1/2]SGoalGoalGoal
monday november 25 - 19:18au forbes dragons5-23au Playoffs R1 [1/2]SGoalGoal
saturday november 23 - 19:23au Li too black1-50au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
friday november 22 - 05:24au forbes dragons2-21au League of Australia [2]S
thursday november 21 - 19:32au Cairns6-03au League of Australia [2]LFGoalGoal
wednesday november 20 - 13:45au Mosman0-63au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
tuesday november 19 - 19:32au Shepparton6-23au League of Australia [2]LFGoalGoal
monday november 18 - 19:31au Port United2-03au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
sunday november 17 - 13:16au Bunbury1-33au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
saturday november 16 - 19:44au Western United3-03au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
friday november 15 - 18:29au City of Parramatta2-63au League of Australia [2]LFGoalGoal
thursday november 14 - 11:34au Li too black5-10au League of Australia [2]S
tuesday november 12 - 19:45au forbes dragons2-13au League of Australia [2]LFGoal
monday november 11 - 14:18au Cairns1-43au League of Australia [2]SGoalGoal
sunday november 10 - 19:25au Mosman6-03au League of Australia [2]SGoalGoal
saturday november 9 - 09:35au Shepparton0-23au League of Australia [2]LF
friday november 8 - 01:49au Port United0-33au League of Australia [2]LF
thursday november 7 - 19:43au Bunbury6-03au League of Australia [2]LFGoalGoal
wednesday november 6 - 08:20au Western United1-33au League of Australia [2]SGoal
tuesday november 5 - 19:28au City of Parramatta4-03au League of Australia [2]LFGoalGoal
monday november 4 - 19:50au Li too black0-60au League of Australia [2]S
sunday november 3 - 05:37au forbes dragons4-41au League of Australia [2]SGoal
saturday november 2 - 19:50au Cairns6-13au League of Australia [2]SGoal
wednesday october 23 - 19:51au forbes dragons1-20au League of Australia [2]LF