FC Douala #4 cm

Player statistics

1ng Senghor Maal80593271540179
2ng Joss Hopkins3257144129014
3cm Louis Bossicar8155111560131
4cm Richard Reveil8053960045
5ng Bo Tubman7950442050
6cm Barrie Grantham324639311038
7bf Abdoulaye Bathily7144836014014
8ng Tano Burna64446522740131
9vc Vincent Donahue34445634082
10td Macie Boussombo684451646018
11nl Niels de Graves71437191200125
12cm Paul-Henri Beaupre3643530074
13cm Ibou Tutuola6238792028
14ng Lucas Leclerq73366544026
15ar Lázaro Alguacil7436400029
16cm Wole Nabaline71349317078
17cm Courtney Simister273451231053
18cm Paul-Henri Somneri33327110057
19cf Miles Breeding32318118313039
20fi Uljas Liukko77312834014
21cm Barry Meynell2730160067
22cm Sean Quickle3129571040
23cm Changa Ahmat6828640040
24cm Mobi Griz7026929041
25cm Henry York6525360149
26cm Manga Washikala7223200300
27cm Lamin Pouye67222017030
28td Abdou Amadou5918319104092
29cm Changa Bongo6517050032
30cm Adama Obasanho6116900111
31bj Eronsele Babou29150212016
32cv Nana Njie6513088406
33lb Ayame Aknoun6911363204
34sv Fernán Armaiz67109336042
35cm Herbert Pelous211083106
36ng Chimela Gning8110300320
37ec Ezequiel Taboada7110165405
38cm Ogukeye Alahbi219340010
39td Azi Babangida24822007
40ng Bob Yates1965115505
41cn Hi-yuan Mingxia745510010
42ng Okatakyie Tendeng77420001
43cm Raputo Biyidi21410021
44cm Boubacar Djiba74410000
45ng Kossi Offiah62400010
46cm Francois Ouellet64400009
47ng Ogunsheye Agbebi66401001
48ne Usman Hamidou72402006
49td Kengo Kolelas57390000
50do Imanol Monjardin63390002

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.