Empoli FC ar

NameEmpoli FC
Managermk Vricliev offline
Satellite clubit FC Empoli
CountryArgentina ar
HometownBuenos Aires
StadiumCarlo Castellani, Capacity: 200,000
U21 squadYes
Leaguear League of Argentina
Cupar Cup
Next match (all)Tomorrow - 07:30
ar Empoli FC vs. bo Avengers (South American Champions League)
Recent matches (all)WWWWW?
Star players (all)
Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

kos Stole LeposavićForward544554260
cu Eustaquio IrarragaKeeper45100225
aw Gerardo CurielKeeper42900305
gn Tano AddyMidfielder428832420
bb Winston MaidenDefender4001200
lv Nikolajs ZauersMidfielder3660530
cn Zhong-shan OngMidfielder3611430
pg Jun TanForward35023710
gr Kostas KondylisMidfielder3444153050
us Alun RoscommonMidfielder330571050
cn Wu-ti KwokDefender325010
pe Antoni BasconMidfielder270832290
tm Ahmet Hamdi BedreddînMidfielder2702312010
es Wilfredo RinauroDefender1771600
de Ralph DieselForward1408200
