FC Saipipi ws

Player statistics

1ws Eza'e Naituyaga7772333124025
2ws Mahine Peone7870936934029
3ws Temuera Vidiri76706130093
4to Ataiamelaho Nori7168881076
5to Gerigl Yokumul80657381720200
6rs Tasa Njagojević7760911054
7ws Uki Okame356031200116
8ws Vojavona Maba8260000902
9ws Paikea Moana8059240063
10us Miles Backhouse7657460040
11ck Avele Maasi7757424920185
12ws Konia Tabua3656435990223
13ws Taglba Tau375581917030
14ws Salesi Hari72554914093
15vn Phan Bảo Thái3654820078
16fj Pena Peone7353713012034
17ws Pal Gavey7553660062
18ws Kerehi Matasino7552810740201
19mu Sanju Rai3649371080
20ws Pitama Appin364674470137
21mu Shao-zu Tann3146313430134
22ws Seriate Tarapu70424580103
23fj Y'vain Soamoa3241300058
24ws Raimundo Tristão3140914310128
25mu Prakash Jyotiradha3230231662
26to Ulta Adachi7029700026
27tv Kerehi Otimi6529000850
28ws Paora Vidiri7426700434
29au Jarrod Shrader7524081198066
30ws Riroroko Makura3123329009
31ws Mahu Ninji7921880040
32ws Atua Goiba7119610045
33ws Amborn Nambuka2718422049
34ws Sila Wager72165115016
35ws Tupia Kondon3116400140
36ws Koritoia Wai3113521040
37pw Taiaho Peng1810534005
38as Hotu Vaega64920004
39ws Inaki-Luki Katalou308300160
40ck Tao Pore797704024
41ws Kaglnogl Benga74700003
42tv Mahutia Peng73622616027
43cn Ju-yi Shui74612417017
44ck Mark Palanca795310020
45ws Horeko Kombagle765110017
46pw Obi Yaga72390040
47pw Yanopa Reihana20to FC Tofoa-Koloua380005
48ws Maama Towa28ws FC Malie3700141
49fj Lakshya Shail643762002
50pg Nori Nalatu61360003

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.