FTC Isti hu

NameFTC Isti
Managerhu Oláh István online
Satellite clubug FTC Isti II
CountryHungary hu
StadiumCapacity: 50,000
U21 squadYes
Leaguehu Playoffs R1 [2/3]
Cup- hu Cup
Other- hu U21 Youth Cup
Next match (all)Today - 19:50
hu Fut Bal Jobb SNAgy klub vs. hu FTC Isti (League of Hungary)
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Star players (all)
Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

hu Bódog SorokKeeper56800218
mu Théodore LafayetteDefender472000
tw Lu-po-teh PaoDefender464110
hu Domonkos GádorosKeeper46300139
hu Gyula ZsiborásDefender4222200
bg Aleg BogoevMidfielder413762610
so Jifar NourKeeper40900138
de Bernhard CastersMidfielder402201800
lv Alberts KalmikovsMidfielder401421680
lv Kārlis DucsalietisDefender377100
ar Igor PredikinForward37518080
nl Pieter VerkooijMidfielder3345480
mr Mdjai LaccheloForward31816940
fr Giles LegendreMidfielder28161830
