FC Hajdúböszörmény #2 hu

Player statistics

1ba Drago Lovrić8150200685
2hu Illés Lehotka634585111
3hr Jurica Balog654451270083
4hr Ivano Carević6844080048
5ro Lorin Simota70432361850148
6rs Srboljub Šušnjar6837350024
7ro Mircea Teleagă70361560077
8gr Giorgos Strapoudopolos7535924227010
9hr Sven Hrgović76357100044
10bg Andrei Mamine7635525137024
11cg Ottah Anaba6735181030
12rs Trivun Santovac7935039179090
13hr Oleg Tomšić7834410032
14hu Szabolcs Joó6832700910
15ro Gică Rogojan73320110015
16hu Tétény Argay313032311104
17eng Junior Sherfee3228930040
18hu Tihamér Zsoldos30287694084
19ck Tetahiti Kopol71276238805
20hu Dávid Megyeri4025920049
21hu Farkas Détári3024819104048
22vn Phi Hướng Thiện3624430017
23am Taguhi Zarafian7023023120043
24hu Miklós Guba332101886076
25de Oliver Dohm34de SC Offenbach163362020
26hu Álmos Rudolf7114100190
27hu Boldizsár Aradi26139174203
28hu Gábor Ónódi241211058040
29ro Augustin Ozon6211010208
30kos Rafailo Gvejić699950018
31it Greyne Barro2390128020
32es Jonathan de Solá277240016
33es Amancio Orama236620011
34hu Miksa Petrás2458016013
35rs Tankosav Španović69540020
36de Matthias Harnock265254102
37it Xu-gang Tang3348011021
38hu Roland Huszti30ro DINAMO PLOIESTI4600020
39eng Archie Johnstone234010018
40hu Krisztián Végh313600191
41hu Lőrinc Pándy64330000
42rs Veličko Purić683232101
43hr Danijel Skender64310040
44kos Lirim Morina68310003
45hu Sándor Kardos65311021010
46kr Gab-Do Chweh613020101
47rs Šiško Kekezović673018102
48es Lorenzo Sanserino362400020
49bg Antim Gagauzov182236010
50nl Arjen Zeeman76163000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.