Les Gothiques Amiénois eng

Player statistics

1ru Ilya Shkurat82604001300
2eng Ronald Capper7758537441021
3ki Opramb Kepagane7957378044
4it Cesare Basalini HOF485541823018
5gib Arnau Febas78544631620143
6eng Geoffrey Streight80530214067
7no Terje Folgerø76527651290138
8eng Jeffrey Burk76451532078
9nl Dave Kleij35449173033
10ir Pezhman Mirzarahimi HOF48448071027
11md Stanislav Mironsky8043165165083
12eng Phil Tinker73413427074
13cv Heitor Boa Morte3639414609
14kp Dae-Suk So HOF573852209
15sco Vince Jenkins6833100019
16tm Ata Ertaş HOF5332882226010
17eng Lewis Blackshaw6831620031
18in Abhishekh Pavan472730001
19aw Enzo Guerro67263132040
20fr Marc-Antoine Bonnafond HOF58250037012
21ci Davide Planche662340006
22eng Micah Kendrick6623230047
23tz Zolilie Chiunda HOF5623104709
24gq Stephane Mouterde282262712400
25pg Tikaroa Potaka28225969804
26wal Darius Brown692103477081
27vc Renato Pastana26207313302
28tw Hsi-men Lee2720703607
29us Jacob Shuker2720571107
30nl Thijs Amerman HOF551920404
31ma Bubu Aykan271900002
32tw Yok-sing Yu-tung HOF6218900430
33gr Ioannis Heropoulos411820001
34es Castor Vingade30bg FC Smunck178287803
35pt Urbano Evaristo HOF561731205
36eng Gregory Toy6317140408
37mo Huang-fu Jun HOF58169276901
38py Efrén Mayoral HOF55168133400
39hk Charlie Rhoades HOF571680001
40sk Borut Macak301670004
41bz Aurelio Marmolejo28hu Újpest1671751902
42ke Tadesse Muhavi49160347901
43ru Alexandr Timofeev7715700610
44gh Bode Awere42155224701
45eng Jarrod Hartman7415040404
46sk Matej Rigo3214600561
47tt Roger Corbas2814608001
48pl Leszek Wicik72140167604
49eng Dave Mackenzie6113890101
50de Nadan Batinić HOF591370007

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.