Player statistics

1us Vitaly Noskov59713001753
2lv Timofejs Briģis66614871190133
3pl Robert Bulak4160890014
4at Gert Weisbrantz3140620011
5lv Dāvids Brikmanis2840400050
6ru Fedor Istrin41401002062
7co Renato Ureno28395235609
8lv Ilgvars Stīpnieks37384674095
9lv Ingmārs Podnieks28318107409
10fr Ata El Sayed6030981910107
11cn Jing-shuan Lam3930850037
12it Manolo Paolozzi8428200850
13lv Drosmis Rapa692818164046
14lv Edmunds Biezais30274558092
15lt Aivaras Klimaitis8426000720
16cn I-tsing Lang712231628011
17de Philipp Lingens8322311027
18cn Lien-ying Hanqing662221005
19hu Tétény Bánki80207128704
20hr Viktor Vuk672005109051
21lv Arnis Starostnieks70200109504
22de Leo Kaestner761940003
23fi Kerkko Kostjala9119300543
24lv Helmūts Butriks23189032049
25hn Cristóbal Aráoz701880005
26pg Kombagle Reihana731875111057
27pl Bartosz Pośpiech621790005
28sk Viktor Dolan59167189102
29pl Miłoslaw Błaszczykowski64159121601
30tl Pipi Ulka78159132026
31au Sean Tench66153113002
32au Seamus Kennan761481878028
33lv Oļegs Jubalts6713920014
34cn Shu-yaan Pao70134176031
35eng Andy Folks75130537026
36tn Zayar Bassir59127128000
37fr Bastien Chretien671271001
38pw Kopol Gande7312100480
39ws Sinamoi Mori7411351502
40nl Christian Kooi6511268200
41lv Vincents Burlakovs3211100164
42lv Niklāvs Sikačs691100002
43uy Luis Herroz2010810021
44ml Gaston Pastforeire2210420022
45eng Ernie Sudden701000000
46pl Ferdynand Kubski68100212022
47lv Aleksandrs Gavrilovs22nl PEC Zwolle9911001
48cz Milos Betak699851401
49fr Guillaume Guillemani69940002
50mo Wing Guan71930000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.