转塘上新桥 cn

Manager log

march 29 2016 - 02:58The club was renamed to "转塘上新桥".
march 7 2016 - 05:37The club was renamed to "FC Hangzhou".
february 4 2016 - 00:52The club was renamed to "FC Hangzhou".
february 4 2016 - 00:51cn JD_Tomasson offline was appointed as new manager.
february 3 2016 - 03:34cn nvliu666 was fired as manager.
january 19 2016 - 08:58The club was renamed to "nvliu66".
january 19 2016 - 08:57cn nvliu666 was appointed as new manager.
december 19 2015 - 04:54cn 朱炎 resigned his function as manager.
august 5 2015 - 01:17cn 朱炎 was appointed as new manager.
july 5 2015 - 00:17cn dragonage was fired as manager.
july 23 2014 - 01:22The club was renamed to "dragon claw".
july 21 2014 - 13:37The club was renamed to "dragon's paw".
july 21 2014 - 13:35cn dragonage was appointed as new manager.
july 20 2014 - 09:44hk YUKI resigned his function as manager.
july 20 2014 - 09:43hk YUKI was appointed as new manager.
july 19 2014 - 00:04cn vickx2048 was fired as manager.
july 4 2014 - 03:59cn vickx2048 was appointed as new manager.
july 3 2014 - 00:08cn xjguan2013 was fired as manager.
june 18 2014 - 04:07cn xjguan2013 was appointed as new manager.
june 18 2014 - 00:22cn 李天一 was fired as manager.
may 8 2014 - 09:56cn 李天一 was appointed as new manager.
may 8 2014 - 06:36ci CHNfans offline resigned his function as manager.
may 8 2014 - 06:35ci CHNfans offline was appointed as new manager.
may 8 2014 - 00:04cn 莫德里奇 was fired as manager.
march 19 2014 - 05:42cn 莫德里奇 was appointed as new manager.

This team was originally called "FC Nanjing #29"