Auckland Dreamers nz

Player statistics

1nz Kristijan Salopek7866000820
2nc Jake Lauridge80598201072
3nz Gaudino Murru795571220106
4au Frank Pettigrew6754819919031
5sx Stefan Schenk66544291650208
6au Don Wort85541422030212
7au Warren Allam7252360036
8om Minkah AbdelAzeem7550930410018
9nz Zoran Palčić6748331312014
10au Connor Trimble8447428827015
11nz Simone Chelotti67444900104
12nz Jordi Mauritzen3143190093
13se Liam Lindbeck6641325061
14nc Denis Gaudin6941210321
15nz Bobby Nickell783753250107
16au Sebastian Samuelson76369310074
17au Josh Helmintoller74353103181083
18nz Tao Jiang31349118050
19nz Gillo Minutillo74348343016
20at Reinhold Recker32cz FC Pilsen #333222310010
21nz Denis Prskalo2728540042
22au Wilfred Martell312661911206
23nz Lee Cozart3426450065
24nz Kieran O'Kelly7824835041
25nc Philippe Bazire822080000
26nz Arno Fies2717550029
27mr Nsen Al Nubi28162625089
28nc Oliver Klewitz241512001
29nz Colm McNabb7612530030
30nz Bartol Vulić7712111205
31nz Mattia Scalvini2210600383
32nz Archibald Redwood221044760028
33hu Domonkos Hajnal2886336033
34nz Eamon Fitzpatrick227716308
35nz André Draaijer217241903
36nz Raoul Nieuwenhuis215223019
37nz Henry Dewdney21511008
38nz Mel O'Kelly215104010
39nz Cesare Ciaravella784900014
40nz Johan Loers214823505
41nz Silvio Di Salvo224200191
42nz Phil Lennon20425006
43nz Dino Putignani224101011
44nz Collin Sculler82413002
45nc An-te-hai Hsieh21401001
46au Alex Mail803948000
47nz Shane Dunn20371006
48au Ognjen Sršen60370001
49nz Matteo Abbiati213605014
50nz Terry Paxton21350006

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.