Ostrava Wild Beasts cz

NameOstrava Wild Beasts
Managercz colecko offline
Satellite clubus Columbus Patriots
CountryCzech Republic cz
StadiumDen Center, Capacity: 120,000
U21 squadYes
Leaguecz League of Czech Republic
Cupcz Cup
Othercz U21 Youth Cup
Next match (all)Tomorrow - 15:22
cz FK Orlová vs. cz Ostrava Wild Beasts (Cup of Czech Republic)
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Star players (all)
Average best squad
The average best squad value is calculated by taking the keeper and the best 10 field players (regardless of position). It includes half of the youth bonus for U21 players.

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Player Hall of Fame

nir Carl SummersetForward559842200
mk Mladen GramatnikowskiKeeper49500237
ci Obafemi AuteruDefender419000
th Nongchai DarawanMidfielder400171920
as Rano TowaDefender3821040
cn Kee YiMidfielder355243550
gy Darren HammockMidfielder353653280
tw Li-ping FuMidfielder331122480
sa Tayyib AfriatForward325431110
sb Manu FeaunatiDefender301310
sk Oto BarkoczyKeeper2760054
br Heitor GirãoForward274377140
cn Ka-fei DongMidfielder2292053450
