FC Lungt'an #3 tw

Active tournaments

FC Lungt'an #3 is still active in the following tournaments or competitions.

tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.4]379

Previous tournaments

Other tournaments FC Lungt'an #3 has participated in.


tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 79-79
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 78-78
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 77-77
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 76-76
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 75-75
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 74-74
tw Cup of Chinese Taipei season 73-73


tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.4]778
tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.4]877
tw League of Chinese Taipei [3.2]1076
tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.1]175
tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.1]374
tw League of Chinese Taipei [4.1]373

Friendly cups

lb Dream cup season 73RU73