New Caledonia nc


The selection for the national team can't be changed at this time.

The next selection can be made in week 42 (you can see the current week number in the calendar on the mainpage).

This is the shortlist of players that can be selected for the national team. The national manager can make a selection of these players 4 times per year. Please note that he does not have to select the best players, but he does need a reason to prefer a weaker player over a strong player. This can be for example:

  • The weaker player is younger and has more potential. This can be said if it's likely the weaker player will surpass the older player in the next two seasons.
  • The weaker player has better attributes or is trained in a way that better suits the team.
  • The stronger player can no longer gain experience in the team and the team can no longer qualify (or is already qualified).
  • The stronger player has very low endurance. If a player is often tired on interland days he may be skipped by the national manager for that reason.
  • The selected player has a higher star value. No justification needs to be given for selecting a player with a higher star value, even if you think your player is better.

The national manager is obliged to put the interest of the team first and is not allowed to use the team as a training tool for his or his friends players. It's important to us that all players have a fair chance to get into the national team. If you doubt the decision from a national manager you can ask him about this and ask one of the admins about this if no good answer is given.

nc Ivan Fedotov32KeeperYes11
nc Remi Trebert41KeeperNo1
nc Philipp Kraemer35KeeperNo1
nc Guglielmo Gregoroni27KeeperYes
nc Wan-fang Ming31DefenderYes11
nc Nityagopal Raviraj31DefenderYes10
nc Benoit Troufa32DefenderYes9
nc Hannes Drechsler29DefenderYes7
nc Jan Landskron23DefenderYes2
nc Ji-an Ow35DefenderYes3
nc Émile Muselier28DefenderNo2
nc Salomon Anelka29DefenderNo
nc Abdul Maqbool30DefenderNo1
nc Lucien Métraux26DefenderNo
nc Gilbert Auzias18DefenderYes1
nc Stephane d'Aigreville28DefenderNo
nc Dino Emmelmann28DefenderYes1
nc Thibaut Du Gouey32MidfielderYes11
nc Joel Gand22MidfielderYes10
nc Lucas Prat22MidfielderYes3
nc Salman Taksa31MidfielderYes4
nc Francois Marchal32MidfielderYes7
nc Akshay Puli24MidfielderNo
nc Lau-po Dung25MidfielderYes1
nc Luc Lamiel28MidfielderYes1
nc Claude-Francois Hinault31MidfielderNo1
nc Nicolas Malaurie26MidfielderNo
nc Vittore Fibonacci26MidfielderYes1
nc Xavier Paquet22MidfielderNo
nc Dominique Gosselin29ForwardYes11
nc Edmond Maci30ForwardYes9
nc Wei-guo Mi21ForwardYes6
nc Jan Schultheiss21ForwardNo
nc Arnaud Espec29ForwardYes1
nc Rehan Vashisth30ForwardYes1
nc Edouard Pinot24ForwardNo
nc Marcus Horne20ForwardNo1