FC Basse-Terre #6 gp

Player statistics

1cu Marcos Lizan68142420030
2ci Youssou Adebola761258003634
3sv Paulo Horteman68118920224056
4gp Arnaud Boeuf64103591290219
5vi Jake Garth649832784030
6kn Milton Soane648741300124
7gp Davide Omand6679615181046
8ye Agdada Naguib6677854610031
9ye Simo Arditti67762952350203
10jo Kutaiba Bylia68754321900201
11gp Callum Greig6573630094
12ms Fergal Bourke62727400151
13gp Marc-Antoine le Moigne62676580034
14gp Benoit de Challon67623150093
15gp Joel Auradou33588001492
16kn Eric Congar3658673437023
17ai Garry Panther3158201026
18gp Gerald Le Marinier6757929610010
19gp Alain Halard7254610640124
20gp Patrice Werables6752460071
21it Riccardo Monighetti32513882510173
22gp Philippe Rampal36484192069
23sm Valter Calderara33454211340158
24ms Francis Wilby63450250189
25gp Patrice Monier6644300621
26sa Ala' Butehamun35439210052
27gp Bill Wallingsford35430932082
28gp Francois Doillac3442710815023
29nl Huub Bills30421281640145
30gp Hugh Boykins34345200063
31gp Christian Gilkerson3334190043
32cw Josef van Seyl6130820096
33gp Luc Desire25294627016
34gp Lloyd Bayne7326120034
35gp Florian Sauvignac7325260031
36gp Salomon Boissieu6225100077
37gp Frederic Oudinot67227012050
38gp Edmond Roachant722251882306
39kn Charles Shackelford7119720017
40gp Arnaud Lacarain2417645037
41gp Auguste Pettit2216521013
42gp René Rimeaux73138020036
43gp Emilien Mermillon-Fournier2510010042
44gp Henry Julia287819207
45ms Liam Pringle617200033
46vi Ralph Wildbore61620003
47gp Francois Marchmain256001027
48ci Louis Massenet74551238019
49gp Benoit Forgeard765102023
50gp Marc-Antoine Fauchlevent344700810

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.