FC Saint Croix #3 vi

Player statistics

1vi Alexander Dillon6456824970175
2ht André de Caulmont36561001343
3do Adrien Fivet3255827215021
4cn Pang Guo76554001264
5sm Salvatore Vidali62545110044
6pa Gonzalo Chanez6149870050
7vi Jonathan Brook6748340029
8vi Ryan Gilkerson35481486030
9vi Andy Wade66475001616
10vi Rhys Forsyth3547412960138
11vi Gordon Rollyson7245931517012
12us Eduardo Magriñá6845720024
13vi Howard Pape67409321150151
14do Thierry de Saulcy3037840031
15vi Vin Villenave64372121033
16vi Duncan Muskett3536281167
17vi Martin Carel34314322083
18de Arnold Ohlhaussen7128216119049
19vi Robbie Brewster682109440100
20vi Frank Sammon2819311026
21vi Paul Sheetz2619136046
22vi Scott Bullock6719010012
23pr Jerónimo Costly25183292014
24vi Ray Gosling71183245069
25vi Kenneth Hall66177942092
26no Johnny Langli66167179506
27vg Ray Freebody59161157504
28us Garreth Longfellow7215221014
29vi Eddy Proffitt7113210011
30vi Gareth Wilkenson6713000013
31is Sævarr Ingisson74129226017
32vi Frazer Odam64118230042
33vi Louis Moulder6611830013
34za Lisimba Matshikiza691011004
35vi Fred Lidgett721004008
36fi Jarmo Annikainen789945103
37vi Sebastian Codling279000025
38tv Endemongo Turagabea798337002
39vi Aaron Radclift718200013
40vi Jordan Blacklock247802011
41vi Henry Dumbrell687320011
42vi Adam Crosley20690005
43vi Randolf Driver666600021
44vi Patrick Fortman656410014
45vi Trevor Staley706310017
46vi Stanley Emory705800171
47pa Luis Miguel Magallanez665808035
48vi Tyson Hamric70560008
49ht Vincent Retel19500005
50vi Findlay Loudermilk674800012

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.