FC Mandera #2 ke

Player statistics

1cn Chung Yip664844004
2ke Matunde Mengisteab63468001012
3ss Shadin Azout344473205
4ke Tadesa Daniel704351138099
5ke Dedan Malot6839510077
6ke Meles Phiri6739340057
7ke Kenan Afework3236536015018
8ss Achraf Lousqui6132329415010
9ke Beremew Gemeda33316534076
10ke Beyene Gizaw70313610074
11ke Ezra Omwayo3329620023
12ke Ahungena Omaswa28288428017
13ke Tesfaye Yomba322701254059
14ke Darge Meles2623951228
15vg Peter Bloomfield772301979012
16au Rene Kyzivat261943002
17il Immeghar Abdel Monsef7819041153010
18sr Melvin Ulind78187116608
19cn Chin-yau Pei7918510017
20br Mauro Azenha7918350014
21ke Nour Naide6917700344
22ke Azim Owiti2917435039
23ci Efan Basse78170474016
24ss Ala' Abdel Aziz251603008
25ke Desta Wosene21148101819
26ke Asres Teferi2614036020
27jp Shigematsu Irie2913200015
28ke Seifu Mutesa2212800461
29ki Manawune Benga811272004
30bi Za Lissouba2312618029
31ke Ayan Kisabaka72120981109
32ke Yuda Gebre-Giorgios26912105
33my Izzan Adnan858300290
34bo Clemente Deoca818010012
35et Kalema Bekele667613025
36lr Danny Cock695911007
37tw Mo Teoh81514004
38ke Negasi Kimutai243600212
39ke Walialu Kaleab68360008
40bf Bo Li693399301
41tr Gokdeniz Asaf693235403
42ke Hizkaias Kidanu653108011
43af Siraj Sobhi703002508
44ly Atas Hamidu6730119012
45td Ismaila Badasu7030117602
46by Luka Shkabar69301000
47sb Arama Neho68291002
48id Ojal Swamy70291230010
49az Roman Balovtsev7228224106
50cn Guo-fang Ge801954101

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.