Concordia #7 ar

Player statistics

1py Sandro Gochicoa3468331123035
2ar Georg Haeusler356692410117
3ar Carmelo Barcelon37547001149
4ar Leonardo Matesanz35524352000230
5br Victor Vilaverde35434220079
6br Tiago Mieiro3142824810016
7es Borja Vaquer324277913031
8ar Dmitry Drobyshev3438390083
9br Eliseu Campelo2835566259080
10ar Agustí Moratín3527723027
11br Robson Poças2926820023
12sr Parveez Mahapatra32232180406
13ar Alessandro Falatti2413905010
14br Madjer Sousa221151003
15co Éver Decuevas64107747011
16ve Leo Natera6210668604
17gf Francis Barbier6378714027
18ar Eduard Pacificar646621201
19br Maurício Azeredo6465523016
20ar Lucas Villasante6364612018
21br Matias Pimenta696200320
22ro Ionică Andronic22602201
23cn Tsu-wee Bo61574009
24ar Claudio Caicedo635427016
25ar Zheng-ze Yan24510004
26ar Imanol Ruffeno65503008
27br Sérgio Espadinha664900130
28tw Mao Hwa64431009
29uy Germán Da Gama64422003
30tw Cheh Hoong31ec Oreo411002
31it Guido Tarussio524020101
32tw Li-xue Luo604024904
33cn Luo-han Sha614034004
34za Tommy Whitecotton63400001
35co Benito Olivos624021200
36br Lucílio Scolari60401001
37pw Kiakoa Pok6139721012
38rw Adirizak Zagwe61391000
39ar Bernardo Casteles63390000
40ar Herminio Grajales65390001
41kr In-Jung Hwang553841003
42de Helmut Burmann613817003
43ee Magnar Salumäe413634007
44cn Hsien-feng Liwei63362000
45ar Rafael Pesantez63360002
46ar Josefo Alsina27sr Paramaribo #15340000
47br Alberto Galvão65279000
48ci Nkruma Dare26260007
49by Alexandr Chirkunov3525111015
50br Valentim Ribeiro64241104

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.