Player statistics

1mx Hugo Eguaras2836230849011
2us Gareth Lavender3029200703
3us Edward Craven27276428053
4ca Jure Lazar2111355506
5mx Álvaro Herratiz231041138035
6jp Fujio Eto239930014
7kn Mardy Stottlemire24953004
8it Tommaso Rossellino299200220
9sk Zdenek Kundera29hn Tegucigalpa #21821353018
10dm Alun Times237700013
11us Connor Dabbin215936011
12mx Teodoro Orión265310015
13nir Vince McCutchan225109013
14mx José Manuel Rivas21511007
15cn Hsi-chuen Quian24481004
16ni Ángel Gossa204821016
17mx Jacobo Urbalejo23cu Neptuni pediludium40501300
18dk Lasse Rohrmann19mx Victoria de Durango3532208
19sx Patrick Vonk25340009
20mx Óliver Despujol21190005
21mx Pol Payen22190001
22mx Silvestre Elgo21170309
23us Alvin Westmacott36br Flamengo150002
24bb Lee Jameson25130001
25hn René De Luna24127000
26mx Ángel Fabrega24120001
27mx Juanfran Elgo19101005
28mx Ronaldo Ñíguez2190007
29mx Simón Tejerina1980001
30mx Marcelo Bustillos2480003
31mx Natalio Vacio2170000
32mx Nicolás Montero1970000
33mx Frank Caranta1960007
34mx José Antonio Lancara2360000
35es Marcelo Talancón2760001
36mx Herminio Arrioja2150021
37mx Gorka Ramis2010002
38mx Julen Usallan2210000
39mx Fermín Armenteros2410002
40mx Cristóbal Sagrera Mata1600001
41mx Alberto Marín2000003
42mx Toribio Magallanes1800006
43mx Feliciano Maceda1800002
44mx Milton Worthington1700004
45mx José Ángel Balcazar1700004
46mx Ángel Madrigal1700000
47mx Juan Prezas1700001
48mx Alfredo Camos1900000
49mx Ion Hera1800000
50mx Gabriel Bretado2000000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.