Nantong #6 cn

Manager log

december 29 2017 - 00:03cn ming40850 was fired as manager.
december 14 2017 - 08:58The club was renamed to "K仔氯胺酮".
december 14 2017 - 08:57cn ming40850 was appointed as new manager.
may 29 2017 - 00:01cn RIP was fired as manager.
march 11 2017 - 07:50The club was renamed to "Red Devil's".
march 11 2017 - 07:49cn RIP was appointed as new manager.
march 10 2017 - 16:35cn 云霞掌门人 resigned his function as manager.
march 10 2017 - 16:34cn 云霞掌门人 was appointed as new manager.
december 12 2016 - 00:14cn xcc87 was fired as manager.
november 6 2016 - 07:41The club was renamed to "无锡小笼包".
november 6 2016 - 07:08cn xcc87 was appointed as new manager.
july 17 2016 - 00:24hk singpo was fired as manager.
july 2 2016 - 14:43The club was renamed to "Manchester united BC".
july 2 2016 - 14:42hk singpo was appointed as new manager.
june 28 2016 - 00:06cn bb900422 was fired as manager.
june 13 2016 - 18:56The club was renamed to "小大头".
june 13 2016 - 18:50cn bb900422 was appointed as new manager.
june 11 2016 - 03:20uz Toni (トーニー) offline resigned his function as manager.
june 11 2016 - 03:20uz Toni (トーニー) offline was appointed as new manager.
may 28 2016 - 23:24cn jollan resigned his function as manager.
may 28 2016 - 23:23cn jollan was appointed as new manager.
may 13 2016 - 00:09hk verysad was fired as manager.
april 28 2016 - 09:12The club was renamed to "Chelsea9".
april 28 2016 - 09:10hk verysad was appointed as new manager.
april 20 2016 - 00:05cn yaofangbo was fired as manager.