FC Windisch ch


TimeHome teamVisitorsCompetition
wednesday june 5 - 22:29ch FC Bern #6ch FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
thursday june 6 - 08:17ch FC Windischch FC La Tour-de-Trêmech League of Switzerland [3.1]
friday june 7 - 08:40ch FC Leysinch FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
saturday june 8 - 08:35ch FC Windischch FC Schwyzch League of Switzerland [3.1]
sunday june 9 - 02:16ch FC Menzikench FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
tuesday june 11 - 19:39ch FC Zofingench FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
wednesday june 12 - 17:26ch FC St. Gallench FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
thursday june 13 - 08:20ch FC Windischch FC Sankt Gallench League of Switzerland [3.1]
friday june 14 - 17:47ch Athlétique Reginach FC Windischch League of Switzerland [3.1]
saturday june 15 - 08:41ch FC Windischch FC Bern #6ch League of Switzerland [3.1]