Zhanjiang #5 cn

Manager log

november 27 2019 - 00:35cn gurt1986 was fired as manager.
october 22 2019 - 02:35The club was renamed to "LuOne".
october 22 2019 - 02:33cn gurt1986 was appointed as new manager.
august 26 2019 - 00:03cn king star was fired as manager.
july 20 2019 - 08:20The club was renamed to "杭州绿城".
july 20 2019 - 08:19cn king star was appointed as new manager.
june 16 2019 - 01:11pw 六芒星 resigned his function as manager.
june 8 2019 - 13:24pw 六芒星 was appointed as new manager.
june 29 2017 - 00:02cn hainan was fired as manager.
june 14 2017 - 06:29The club was renamed to "Hainan chuyuan".
june 14 2017 - 06:27cn hainan was appointed as new manager.
january 25 2017 - 00:10cn 考拉大人 was fired as manager.
november 6 2016 - 03:56The club was renamed to "刺桐城生啤".
november 6 2016 - 03:32cn 考拉大人 was appointed as new manager.
february 11 2016 - 00:06cn xiangjk110 was fired as manager.
january 27 2016 - 12:31cn xiangjk110 was appointed as new manager.
january 23 2016 - 00:13cn PROROCK was fired as manager.
december 18 2015 - 04:49cn PROROCK was appointed as new manager.
december 18 2015 - 03:53cn 紫牛就爱吹牛逼 resigned his function as manager.
december 16 2015 - 06:44cn 紫牛就爱吹牛逼 was appointed as new manager.
december 15 2015 - 00:05cn wlqphy was fired as manager.
august 13 2015 - 09:42cn wlqphy was appointed as new manager.
august 13 2015 - 03:22cn 叶言yan resigned his function as manager.
august 12 2015 - 02:59cn 叶言yan was appointed as new manager.
july 31 2015 - 00:07cn 长衫罩紫龙 was fired as manager.