Santander #5 es

Player statistics

1es Salva Chiamuhera374941161580214
2it Lu-shan Zizhong35479341140264
3es Fabricio Báez324761139020
4it Ciro Giorgetti3443702116
5es Kevin Noralez2936612008
6es Adrián Garcias27288344020
7sm Danilo Martini302751035063
8pw Menalee Moana262594009
9it Alberto Castellazzi34179011032
10ar René Punnara3213701018
11it Davide Albasini2511200581
12om Munahid Masood218430010
13es Ramiro Casteles23783302
14es Sebastián Bastoncillo215610218
15es Juan Diego Zafari25420006
16it Marco Margheriti22it Pordenone401000
17es Nuban Fargas313900210
18mt Nigel St. Clair30nl FC Groningen391000
19it Fausto Filipucci31it AC SerCondore390001
20it Johnatan Pacchioni32fr Blue Flower3836401
21ru Innokenty Shpigun22321711013
22cm Teko Nkrumah25120050
23es Marco Gossa24110006
24es Herminio Xumetra2490002
25es José María Díaz de Vargas2030000
26es Juan Diego Sanjurjo2320000
27ar Roy Aburuza1810000
28de George Stepperfellt1700000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.