Real Barcelona #17 es

Player statistics

1es Arnaldo Saa3656113077
2it Riccardo Covi36515001372
3it Walter Rinuccini28455699033
4es Ignasi Rimoldi30426542860105
5sm Gino Modigliano3337217811015
6it Tommaso Basile333463101305
7es Sergio Galarze27286415068
8es Adriá Acireci3725530010
9br Cláudio Ronaldo2623640062
10es Leonardo Almedina26234314026
11it Flavio Lubiani2722430027
12sm Stefano Bertetto26194115505
13fr Maurice Vezier21730107
14es Hernán Summa25511006
15sm Gabriele Cellino29ca Edmonton Cyclones4055202
16it Simone Giustiniani31it Brescia #53900120
17bg Maksim Nikolov19371026010
18ad Yves-Marie Theroux34361121013
19pt Afonso Imperial20pt Estrela do Areal322002
20it Velio Vacca28300010
21fr Edouard Valognes19it Aglianese2717018
22pe Valentín Escandell23250009
23es Manolo Delpino23210003
24es Joel Escarcega22150001
25es Samuel Ombrejo2190002
26es Aarón Coca3050000
27es Josefo Brio2210000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.