FC Anshan #10 cn

Manager log

april 5 2020 - 00:03cn wgf20060820 was fired as manager.
march 21 2020 - 02:55The club was renamed to "Ronaldo".
march 21 2020 - 02:54cn wgf20060820 was appointed as new manager.
december 25 2019 - 06:28cn lun resigned his function as manager.
december 25 2019 - 06:27cn lun was appointed as new manager.
december 4 2019 - 00:03cn milan5m was fired as manager.
october 29 2019 - 05:54The club was renamed to "FC Anshan".
october 29 2019 - 05:52cn milan5m was appointed as new manager.
august 5 2018 - 00:02cn Arron was fired as manager.
july 21 2018 - 17:52The club was renamed to "FC Magician".
july 21 2018 - 17:50cn Arron was appointed as new manager.
july 17 2018 - 00:03cn xffcjk was fired as manager.
july 2 2018 - 12:32The club was renamed to "linping".
july 2 2018 - 12:30cn xffcjk was appointed as new manager.
july 1 2018 - 00:03cn caogao was fired as manager.
june 16 2018 - 03:43The club was renamed to "SC 全兴".
june 16 2018 - 03:41cn caogao was appointed as new manager.
june 12 2018 - 00:03cn lethally was fired as manager.
may 28 2018 - 07:16cn lethally was appointed as new manager.
may 25 2018 - 00:20cn 西门大官人 was fired as manager.
march 29 2018 - 08:30The club was renamed to "四川全兴队".
march 29 2018 - 08:28cn 西门大官人 was appointed as new manager.
february 26 2018 - 05:52cn 钢条猛料 offline resigned his function as manager.
february 26 2018 - 05:52Cooperation with parent club ended.
november 4 2017 - 03:19The club was renamed to "SM AllStars".