Matoury #14 gf

Player statistics

1gf Eurico Santiago2630000
2ar Román Martiz2732200
3gf Inácio Vidal2830000
4gf Ulisses Sales2630001
5gf Florentin Decuiller2430000
6ar Horacio Capel2730010
7gf Óscar Almaraz2431001
8gf Maxime Dugarry2230000
9gf Eurico Piteira2130000
10gf Benito Builes2030001
11gf Malo Castang2233100
12gf Ismael Platão2520000
13gf Alexandre Focquet2520002
14gf Hsui-chen He2020000
15gf Jorge Semedo2510000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.