Kakucs fc hu

Player statistics

1bi Mani Nadjima39428001163
2hu Arnold Kocsis35hk Kowloon #734811034
3hu Marcell Babinszki6732810029
4bg Evstati Kjucukov3731611181026
5nl Cheng-ji Ang7430500721
6hu Előd Hankiss6329618136069
7ar Eric Almogabar7929583040
8uz Abdulla Djurayev6628800832
9hu Imre Csapó3428410038
10cn Qian Chiao802671949054
11hu Flórián Pintér7026012163057
12ee Valev Perli63232459039
13tr Hamit Erbakan76220150709
14ar Herbert Lessing7322030016
15hu Ödön Arany7321100560
16ba Nikica Bartolović64210997011
17me Zoran Kovač67210143606
18fr Vasile Lisko7620771808
19ro Ottó Király302039720107
20it Gianni Pirroni32hu FC Budaörs 1924203691011
21fr Raynier de Perronet37hu Hegyvidéki Marhák FC197021052
22zm Quett Mkwayi7619720031
23lt Liudas Kleiza8319600481
24hr Ognjen Leko641952007
25mg Paea Wager731913880038
26nl Joost Surel71189434054
27ec Federico Bracerolas32hu MAFC187871011
28hu Tihamér Baka75187751049
29mx Frank Doporto611841271006
30ba Zijad Dalić35hu FC Érd177217084
31tr Ilhan Toprak83167317064
32bf Paul Fincham70165130057
33lv Ingmārs Zāģis76161820051
34hu Elek Tokody6715593024
35hu Győző Berger7415311015
36nl Joey Vredenburg7115100019
37pl Patryk Rogoziński3014700024
38er Nader Zaki731461102
39nl Max Verplancken79145663027
40uy Patricio Viscaya74144115045
41mx Mateo Delabarcena72142384010
42ar Luis Messi7514257103
43py Jordi Mungaray6813770407
44pt Leandro Douro611331003
45mx Trevor Prine721322006
46mz Ziyapaya Mofokeng3013152303
47se Jimmy Garde28131746068
48it Guglielmo Bolgheri2812730013
49lv Ādams Niedrups33ch Athlétique Regina127229021
50hu Ábel Demeter671262000

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.