excelsior Aalst be

Player statistics

1be Charles Cadart67408263809
2fr Erdal Özbek7239920026
3fr Adrian Reale7738800541
4ng Noël Priaulx6538760034
5ga Kasiya Aboufadel773873161009
6fr Malo Soleuze7838380017
7bg Plamen Hadzhiev8037920311025
8us Ross Bullard64377001442
9nl Hendrik Arents7535114760120
10sk Otto Sestak6334941038
11be Blaženko Antunović69342100048
12gp Gerard Aubry6233720156083
13fr Cyril Malet6633323132061
14cn Lao-che Liwei38fr ACS Comines32814003
15be Nikolas Dewalsch66309461047
16it Augusto Mercalli70298161300104
17be Ruud Chantraine28293531780109
18ch Gilles Multari7628422120071
19fr Adrien Vasselin6726930050
20fr Adrian Roig35cn 云南红塔23800021
21be Jeremy Cuvelier2823200694
22be Georges Martineaud272213593079
23be Müslüm Guner44218007415
24be Liu-liang Ching27216255906
25ai Jacob Robb36ro FC Lugoj21410109069
26nl Steven Blaikie71202014026
27be Johnny Van Royen7019810019
28nl Chris Boerdijk71195232050
29be An-yi Hong28hk 大秦帝国19010020
30br Claudio Riberol35sb FC Tulagi #21840001
31fr Florentin Hiarret6618320020
32be Florentin Cleach2516590020
33be Levent Sevim29ch FC Littau16340018
34be Jeremy Biedron251621160015
35vn Thang Khương8216100540
36be Jos Van Bogget26155113507
37be Zinedine Billah26147142037
38be Arnout Vandersmissen2714270015
39be Johnny Roegiers32eng Man City1361160032
40be Remi Bertrand29be krc young boys120458058
41be Tibor Ćorluka30fr uscalais9011561017
42be Florian Lejosne30eng Ipswich City111164206
43be Lionel Hoettel281101036022
44be Jeroen Nimmegeer31fr FC Biarritz110137405
45be Marc De Ron28fr Olympique Bordeaux10830013
46be Claude Huppert2510151012
47fr Noël Roupardin627060103
48mg Kwipi Lotuma674157201
49nl Leander Hendrikse63400000
50nl Peter Scholters71390002

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.