Castella be

Player statistics

1ch Gert Belser635818770115
2ca Jonathan Chevauchey61560382120124
3fr Gerald Fromentin6554419930154
4nl Lars Joris7554251039
5es Héctor Juarrero7449560164
6pl Piotr Małyska7248500940
7fr Christophe Lematin70482211280104
8fr Francois Preher64478101077
9nl Robin Thuijns6942600870
10ch Guillaume D'Ambray704191120059
11nl Wesley Laurens3434728212013
12be Florentin Bernaudeau79340421010100
13fr Maxime Bregmestre6829319416021
14dj Wambua Million282881013
15lu Emanuel Jurina7428522630102
16be Tommy Courtois29275001101
17mz Diamantino Dimantino3327537236032
18nl Robert Thielen752754008
19be Peter Hoeykens71271105307
20hr Anđelko Begić7427000480
21hk Doi Pou32246111028
22pt Luís Ferraço33235151012
23fr Lilian Soleuze8020475903
24be Alexandre Guims2519119191031
25fr Josephe Guenier721832251065
26be Noël Vigne23174152304
27it Velio Cristofori71163213033
28be Grégory Gaspard6315921107022
29nl Tim Volkertsz7715530016
30fr Cristiano Murru7914610011
31fr Marc-Antoine Bluteau30140106100
32ad Mourad Loubens3013600781
33be Sammy De Both26fr Valence #211853002
34be Giles D'Ecouis25bn Yto Express106235030
35at Lars Krahmer671031191023
36be Stef De Cauter26ro FCM Dunarea Galați9500016
37be Remco Gyselinck25tl RSC OTS8610016
38be Korneel Coppens25bn Yto Express7620011
39be Erman Vargı2264026017
40be Malo Bourgeat236110019
41be Fred Scheers215839001
42nl Maurits Blankwater675610010
43be Gaspard Vis-de-Loup2153225012
44nl Martin Rossouw36nl Domstad FC3800180
45nl Robert Daelen70370002
46fr Pascal Michelet25fr Vogesia Holtzheim350000
47fr Jean-Francois Mazin663540102
48nl Hakan Aksoy723538200
49pal George Abdel Ghany25mm FC Delta United3458101
50kos Adis Rugova24ie UC Dublin City3484503

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.