FC Andy cn

Player statistics

1cn Mei-shio Choi39564001630
2om Ghenima Bohbot7439710012
3fr Marceau Malecot353683441504
4ro Andi Drăghicescu343560004
5cn Dong-po Liao37318193506
6om Lin Yu7431810013
7tl Entji Lubis7631100016
8lt Vidmantas Savickas75308011019
9fr Pascal Taillebois34hu neverwakeup3018886030
10cn Jing-sheng Pi8730000651
11ag Kyle Gruver35eng Yengchester FC29619105011
12cn Cheng-qian Chang34290391011
13se Stig Petterson6527800740
14cn Chang Chin722722008
15pl Bartłomiej Kowalski772664978079
16mv Juan Riquelme722641166081
17nl Theo Boven3225713803
18cn Tu-an Chung742572848082
19bi Wayne Rooney6824430056
20tr Lefter Taner6921938126064
21cn Joy-shan Qin342161016
22ar Flavio Orfila3221597103
23af Mushtaq Rosilio76204761405
24pt Nélson Douro8620100640
25nu Mori Naitaku7719235101
26cn Huo-tu Ling80184659073
27cg Dan Hua7018388603
28cr Yang Lan741681135026
29lv Aļģis Laizāns3016223102
30mo Xi-wang Lin7516141508
31tw Yao-qing Shao8014748000
32ge Sheng Fei7214572806
33jp Fumihiko Kase281410104
34cg Domevlo Narh6713810133
35so Kenan Negasi78110228041
36gp Bastien Montgommeri3310334402
37de Thomas Teuber739732204
38cn Chiang-hui Gao789700100
39sk Eduard Kotulek289691408
40de Franz Mickler829305036
41ar Yago Soberon279237200
42ki Pakomio Tonono799018403
43sv Ramón Ballestero738515012
44gr Kostas Zouboulakis26820001
45cn Liang Lo26620000
46tc Charlie Bysouth685752600
47gy Steven Kumar845608017
48tt Faustino Villanuera32530000
49by Aleksandr Galiguzov34jp Nagareyama450000
50ye Azeggagh Al Mehalel75401005

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.