Askøy FK no

Player statistics

1eng Nicholas Haring631005002024
2lv Edvīns Kokarevičs38517002514
3uy Julen Labastida354526071106
4tl Mahinaee Pora36426282500106
5lv Aivars Zvejnieks81417001280
6us Alexander Sawyer3440000017
7ar Josefo Peregrina34400144022
8se Robert Arnesson6938139340025
9lr Finlay Roland383628103048
10gu Loo Hari3432800013
11al Devis Fakaj333224150023
12fr Elvis Damasco323164211037
13lt Žilvinas Žvirgždauskas713010009
14jp Kuma Inao7129531033
15pl Kamil Juszkiewicz29290342806
16ng Kuaku Abdou75288556092
17no Erlend Rosnes702782166057
18pl Tomasz Jaśkiewicz7125818135063
19hu Illés Somlai682510008
20it Francesco Delogu61240018066
21cn Wen-zhong Huo7522532018
22lt Edvinas Vareikis8021811017
23br Fulgêncio Peçanha7621618016014
24de Timo Schillinger772122562042
25it Vitale Migliaccio77209318039
26mt Girardo de Napoli701941755056
27tr Arslan Ilahi77191952033
28lv Aleksis Veinbergs75177726026
29pw Ulaline Ienimea78163322018
30hu Kornél Kelen8015990808
31ee Olari Rajandi771581006
32ro Dorin Donoiu34fi FC Siilinjärvi #3156134059
33de Yildiray Hoca75149115022
34at Uwe Preiss651482353028
35cn Tian-bai Kai35eng Red Lions fc1421036045
36cn En-guo Jiao641331037022
37lv Marats Butkevičs6112910016
38ci Hamidou Dabo621281123010
39dk Claus Cabble361213170016
40dk Niels Staal6611351406
41by Illarion Svidrigailov6311206041
42kp Jeaki Song381001936023
43gh Yakubu Ajunwa7997584010
44ng Tano Kayounga64943004
45ck Taunui Hagai35883100
46no Steinar Lied77872109
47lv Kristaps Voitkevičs64780002
48cz Matej Olrik39702501
49no Ove Myhre67680005
50si Zlatko Jakša666600011

"Cards" is a total score for the number of yellow and red cards. Yellow counts as 1 and red as 3 points.