League of Burkina Faso season 81

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1 bf Sun of Alres 7 511239371138914
2 bf Legiones Astartes 14 1610939361219114
3 bf FC Djibo 1 1 19339310832359
4 bf Burkina Faso Tingfeng 4 69339310822027
5 bf FC Ouagadougo 281392701223665
6 bf Wakanda 3 278392601321352
7 bf FC Ouagadougou #2 4 760392001971139
8 bf FC Ouagadougou #6 1 28 2646391442157159
9bf FC Koudougou2739762626206
10bf FC Pissila2439732926272
11bf FC Ouagadougou #102339652818196
12bf FC Ouagadougou #172039482712208
13bf FC Zorgo1739211269169
14bf FC Tangin Dassouri1539433214225