League of Bulgaria season 16 [3.1]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Bulgaria on the game Rocking Soccer.

1bg BGL ManUtd813026319930
2bg FC Petric573018394934
3bg FC Sumen #2533016594421
4bg FC Kjustendil513015694837
5bg FC Smoljan4930154115342
6bg FC Sofia #44330127114336
7bg FC Ruse #64330134135047
8bg FC Razgrad3930116135458
9bg FC Plovdiv #53930116134854
10bg FC Pleven #33830122165964
11bg FC Varna #33630113164972
12bg FC Jambol3530105154252
13bg FC Vaksevo343097144046
14bg FC Varna #5293078153865
15bg FC Varna #4283084184277
16bg FC Karlovo243059163861