League of Brazil season 19 [5.5]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Brazil on the game Rocking Soccer.

1br Nova Iguaçu #31013833239621
2br Marabá #3783824686638
3br Manaus #76338189115943
4br Rio de Janeiro #1061381710116038
5br Contagem #261381710116246
6br Rondonópolis #261381710117056
7br Piracicaba #36038179126556
8br Brasília #1455381413113940
9br Brasília #1554381412124142
10br Paulista #25338158155453
11br Ribeirão Pires #25038148166770
12br Moji das Cruzes #346381113145365
13br Jardim São Paulo 145381015134854
14br Manaus #94438128184962
15br Bomber Szn4338127194759
16br Castanhal #243381110175770
17br São Gonçalo EC3938116213961
18br Várzea Grande #33538811195377
19br Campinas #73238711205894
20br Criciúma #2243866262765