League of Brazil season 56

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Brazil on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 br XingLing eSports 10 46 401103836201378
2 br Farpando FC 2923830269129
3 br Maracajá873828379945
4 br Doutrinador 1873827657734
5 br Corvos Laranja 1853826759839
6 br G014N14 4 58438273810653
7 br ERBIN Lagoas 16638213149678
8br Jardim São Paulo 16338196139066
9br HELLO 1 8 1053381411136565
10br Dematha Atletico Clube49381310154751
11br Sao Paulo 1 15 84938154196483
12br Corinthians4538136195970
13br Campo Grande FC4038124226079
14br TigresOG353898213566
15br Bayern Munchen FC3538105236095
16br Real Belo Horizonte3438104244180
17br Cachambi CF2338652748107
18br Legendarios 1223864282989
19br Black Hawks 3 62138632957123
20br Canoas #21238403433132