League of China season 33

U21 league results

Here you can find the U21 league results of teams in this league level this season. Note that, depending on the number of teams with an U21-squad, teams can play against teams from different league levels.

1cn AJ Auxerre 7 11 87330241516959
2cn 我想降级FC 北京工业大学(BJUT) 17130232512446
3cn 北京同仁堂 7 46730214511027
4cn FC AEi 致敬传奇波尔多! 12 22 13643019746118
5cn 〓□ W □〓 4 2 1613019476829
6cn 蓝色大猪头 1 16030193811167
7cn Pingdingshan #3 1 24630151148490
8cn 北门红军 3 14230140168580
9cn 无锡中邦 14030124146792
10cn FC SDTS 6 6 23530112176768
11cn 大大大东北 2 1 13030931873116
12cn Wuxi Utd 4 3 2293085176690
13cn FC Sian #3 12930851786119
14cn 赤色军团293092196497
15cn 御剑十天 5 1 41230332479153
16cn Jixi #2 4 3830222650213