League of China season 72 [3.1]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of China on the game Rocking Soccer.

1cn 纽布里奇盖特743024246524
2cn 河北中基683020825118
3cn 终极魔镜 1 2 266301992436
4cn Young Leon583018486031
5cn juvesainty523015783520
6cn 永远的米兰473013894430
7cn ARCAEA4730145114233
8cn 上海申鑫4130125133640
9cn 津门虎 FC4030124143838
10cn AudiR8GT3830108122926
11cn 凤鸟飞腾3430104163847
12cn FC Sian #3 1323095164053
13cn shuen 13130710132337
14cn 老鹰之歌303079142538
15cn 上饶鸡腿123033241562
16cn 广州朝歌3300327081