League of China season 79 [3.1]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of China on the game Rocking Soccer.

1cn 重庆茂力纸业753024338528
2cn juvesainty663020646723
3cn 帕米尔雄鹰533016594435
4cn 夏 都 FC503014884022
5cn 潘帕斯的探戈4830146103427
6cn FC Islanders473013894438
7cn 老鹰之歌453012993133
8cn FC Daqing #144230101284933
9cn 京狮国安4230126125656
10cn 大大大东北 2 1 14030117125440
11cn 成都蓉城3730107133140
12cn White Dragons313094173356
13cn AudiR8GT3030612122942
14cn 天天大宝见243059163659
15cn FC K ai xin2330314131846
16cn Datong73014252295