League of England season 57 [5.2]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of England on the game Rocking Soccer.

1eng Great Sankey City #2783824685019
2eng Hove City7638221066826
3eng Crossharbour Nursery FC743822888556
4eng Shrewsbury723821987238
5eng Wellingborough City #27038217106744
6eng Weston-super-Mare693820995531
7eng Coventry #46838208106942
8eng Brighton City #464381810105536
9eng Sutton Coldfield City #65738176157171
10eng Poole #35438166165761
11eng Folkestone City #25238157164544
12eng Batley50381117102924
13eng Windsor City4638144208480
14eng Minster United4538136194865
15eng Barnstaple City4138125216286
16eng Harpenden333889213460
17eng Stockton-on-Tees United333896234069
18eng Chichester City3138613193867
19eng Slough United #4263868242463
20eng Great Sankey City2138562751122