League of Hungary season 68 [2]


This is an estimate of the TV-revenue collected so far for this league. No rights can be derived from this preview. The TV revenue is awarded at the end of the season, before the league playoffs start. 240 of 240 matches in this league have been played.

NamePointsEstimated share
1hu Minipol Békés86RSD18 541 072
2hu Szigor FC Bőőrmingham69RSD14 875 976
3hu Csigacsapat66RSD14 229 195
4hu Szerdahelyi Vasutas SC55RSD11 857 662
5hu Liversea Fc54RSD11 642 068
6hu Sopron Fc50RSD10 779 693
7hu FC Ajka46RSD9 917 317
8hu Bala Town FC40RSD8 623 754
9hu Noé Fc39RSD8 408 160
10hu Debil SC36RSD7 761 379
11hu Nyíracsád SE27RSD5 821 034
12hu FC Budapest #1625RSD5 389 846
13hu Fc Pamacs23RSD4 958 659
14hu KIFC Kishegyes21RSD4 527 471
15hu Roda FC20RSD4 311 877
16hu Kakucs fc15RSD3 233 908