League of Tunisia season 24 [2]

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1tn Sfax8439273910056
2tn Al-Arianah843927398747
3tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq8339258614066
4tn Jarbah Hawmat as-Suq #26939191285529
5tn Siliana6639199118752
6tn Sfax #26539198126151
7tn Al-Qayrawan #25739183188390
8tn Ettadhamen #25539167167883
9tn Al-Muknin5139156185874
10tn Sousse4539129187385
11tn Jendouba3339712204275
12tn Al-Mahdiyah333996242763
13tn Tunis #52839610234284
14tn Banzart1639443144122