League of Chinese Taipei season 28

Goals scored

pf T. Korultw 整编74师2936
tw D. Outw FC Taliao1637
tw F. Wangtw FC Kaohsiung #21528
tw O. Kingtw Divinity1429
tw J. Chowtw Divinity1228
gp V. Dupoueytw FC Kueishan #31125
tm E. Gunertw 皇家海军联队1126
tw D. Bergkamptw FC Kaohsiung #2925
td T. Krygeltw AGC Leamington824
tw B. Yintw FC Hualien #2628


tw H. Hetw FC Kaohsiung #22832
tw C. Yotw FC Tungshih2632
ug G. Gakoutw 整编74师2435
tw Z. Yingtw 皇家海军联队1728
tr S. Ihsanoglutw FC Kueishan #31632
ng F. Drammektw 皇家海军联队1527
tw Y. Leongtw Divinity1226
tw A. Wangtw FC Kaohsiung #21120
tw K. Gengtw Divinity928
rw G. Baïnouktw 整编74师823

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
vn C. Ðạt Hòa tw 整编74师1336
sb G. Lopetitw 皇家海军联队1126
ke A. Mulefutw FC Hualien #2821
tw Y. Tangtw FC Taliao838
ao S. Mirandelatw 皇家海军联队720
mt L. Bardsleytw FC Tungshih735
tw T. Xintw FC Kaohsiung #2632
tw Z. Wangtw FC Kaohsiung #2520
tw K. Ts'aitw Divinity526
tw Z. Loutw AGC Leamington529

Number of yellow cards

tr S. Ihsanoglutw FC Kueishan #31532
tw C. Yotw FC Tungshih1232
tw P. Zengtw FC Tungshih1132
tw K. Gengtw Divinity928
ng F. Drammektw 皇家海军联队827
tc B. Gyetw 皇家海军联队719
tw J. Thiantw AGC Leamington60
kg Ç. Girgintw 皇家海军联队66
ao T. Bastostw 皇家海军联队612
tw Y. Leongtw Divinity626

Number of red cards

tw T. Houtw FC Kueishan #320
tw J. Quantw FC Kaohsiung #210
no R. Haugnestw FC Hualien #210
tw Z. Xiangtw FC T'aichung10
ng F. Drammektw 皇家海军联队127
tw K. Gengtw Divinity128
tw H. Hetw FC Kaohsiung #2132

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
gh A. Abitw AGC Leamington436
na L. Dipebatw FC Taliao337
bs D. Parrishtw 皇家海军联队120
tw K. Shatw FC Hualien #2120
tw G. Bantw Divinity131
sa Y. Faragtw AGC Leamington132
tw T. Xintw FC Kaohsiung #2132
tw Z. Jiatw FC Kaohsiung #2134
fi J. Koivulatw FC Kueishan #3136
tw X. Ou-yangtw FC Taliao136